HD 6950 系统要求
- 需要使用基于PCI Express®的电脑,且主板需配备一个X16通道显卡插槽
- 建议使用500瓦或更高的且具有两个75瓦6针PCI Express®电源接口的电源
- 推荐使用通过认证的电源。有关认证产品的列表,请参阅http://ati.amd.com/certifiedPSU
- 至少需要1GB系统内存
- 安装软件需要CD-ROM驱动器、键盘、鼠标和显示器
- DVD播放需要DVD驱动器和DVD光盘
- Blu-ray™蓝光光盘播放需要蓝光驱动器和蓝光光盘
- AMD CrossFireX™系统需要第二张AMD Radeon™ HD 6900系列显卡、AMD CrossFireX™主板和一个AMD CrossFireX™桥式互连电缆
- 借助AMD Eyefinity技术使用3台或更多显示器需要显卡支持DisplayPort接口或者提供经过AMD Eyefinity验证的dongle。有关经验证的DisplayPort dongle的列表,请参阅http://www.amd.com/EyefinityDongles
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HIS has won over 1000 awards with ATI graphic solution from major media worldwide.

"This reference design by HIS concentrates on the cooling system replacement in order to push the card at its maximum. The card is 7 to 10 degrees cooler than the reference board and in the same time is overclocked (840MHz instead of 800MHz for the GPU and 1280MHz instead of 1250MHz for the memory). The performances are almost the same than the Sapphire board and you are also able to overclock it a little bit more. This card uses only a few watts more than the Sapphire board." PC Achat "Rated 14/20"